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About "Very Easy Collection"
Virtual Sheet Music® Premium High-Quality digital sheet music for trumpet, easy classical pieces, Part I, notes/letters indications included, easy music for beginners.
Publisher: Virtual Sheet Music
This item includes: PDF (digital sheet music to download and print), Interactive Sheet Music (for online playing, transposition, instrument change, etc.) and MusicXML export via Playground. NOTE: MusicXML export available to Members only. This item also includes: Video, MIDI and Mp3 audio files*
Furthermore, this item includes the ability to ask our AI Music Assistant up to 100 in-context questions a day [learn more].
Once you buy or access this item as a Member, you'll be able to download everything included as a single .zip file.
trumpet solo
digital sheet music
Skill Level:
classical, children
Key Signatures:
Eb major, G minor, Bb major, F major
Time Signatures:
4/4, 3/4, 9/8, 6/8
♩=60-120 BPM
9' 50"
21 (actual music: 18 pages)
Note Range:
A#3-F5 in concert pitch (C4-G5 in B flat, actual notation)
actual notation
Pieces included:
W.A.Mozart: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
F.Schubert: Ave Maria
Traditional: Amazing Grace
J.Pachelbel: Canon in D
J.Brahms: Lullaby
N.Paganini: Moto Perpetuo
L. van Beethoven: Ode to Joy
J.S.Bach: Jesu Joy of Mans Desiring
S.Joplin: The Entertainer
E.Grieg: Morning Mood
This item is also available for other instruments or in different versions: