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What Can You Do With a Piece You Have Learned?
What Can You Do With a Piece You Have Learned?
Useful tips for all musicians

In this video, Robert gives you helpful tips for your music learning, no matter what instrument you play.

Released on October 6, 2021

The Danger of Looping Music in Practice
The Danger of Looping Music in Practice
How and when repeating musical passages is really useful

In this video, Robert talks about the common practice of repeating a musical passage over and over again. Is that really helpful in your instrumental practice?

Released on September 29, 2021

Should You Learn a Piece of Music From the End to the Beginning?
Should You Learn a Piece of Music From the End to the Beginning?
The answer to this question is simpler than you may think

In this video, Robert discusses the possibility of learning a piece backwards, much like with textual content for proof-reading. Does this technique work in music as well?

Released on September 15, 2021

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