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Video Transcription
Welcome to LivingPianos.com, I'm Robert Estrin with a very important message today which is why you must front load your practice.
What am I talking about here? Sometimes you sit down to practice the piano and you've got certain issues and you kind of get it pretty good and you go on to the next part and it's pretty good and you keep working through in this manner.
Well, let's erase that whole idea.
Instead, sit down to practice and the first issue you have you go to extraordinary lengths to resolve it.
You take it as far as you possibly can.
This is great when you're setting a new piece and maybe there's something early on in the piece that isn't gelling, it just isn't happening and you think, oh, I'll get to that later. Well, here's the secret for you. If you spend an inordinate amount of time, so much time that you think, oh my gosh, I'm never going to get to everything else, it's okay because what you learn from taking something to the nth degree early on in your practice will have tremendous benefits for the rest of the piece.
You know that all pieces of music evolve from the motifs that are introduced early on which develop along the way.
So if you don't solve those issues early on as you go on with the piece, the problems compound themselves which is why if you spend a tremendous amount of time early on on issues that you have and really solidify to the maximum, later you can go through vast amounts of music without having to spend nearly as much time. That's what I mean by front loading your practice. Put the time in in the early part of your music and the early part of your practice to really get something really refined and that very process is going to help you to master other parts of the same piece of music and will even transfer to other pieces with similar technical or musical challenges.
Try it in your practice and let me know in the comments how this works for you if any of you have done this in the past or try it out and let us know here at LivingPianos.com how it works for you. Again, I'm Robert Estrin. Thanks so much for joining me.
It's often worth taking the time to take your music to the highest level possible in your practice. Although sometimes you have to know when to leave things for the next day!