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Video Transcription
Hi, I'm Robert Estrin, this is LivingPianos.com. Asking the question, are there any musical geniuses like Mozart alive today? You figure in the world today with billions of people, there's got to be some people with tremendous talent. And you hear great players and children who are prodigies and you wonder, is there anybody on that level of artistry and creativity and pure genius like Mozart? And the answer is yes. And I've got someone, if you have not seen this young woman on YouTube, and you must check out Alma Deutcher.
I've been kind of following her for years. She started posting on YouTube, well I don't know if she was posting on YouTube when she was five, but there are videos of her playing violin from a very young age.
But she is unlike any musical talent I think you've probably ever seen in your life.
Just to give you kind of an overview of, she's now 18 years old, she has composed three operas. She composed her first complete opera when she was 10 years old.
There are some videos of her and I'm going to have a lot of these links in the description for you to check out for yourself because you will be astounded where people just take notes. They say, okay, A, E flat, F sharp, G, and she'll stop for a moment and then she'll just make up a piece using those notes. And when I say make up a piece, I mean, motivically, structurally, it's a piece of music. She just can just instantly create a composition on the highest level beyond what you would think of as improvisation.
She is an accomplished pianist, violinist, and singer. She's a great, she's great on all three of these, as well as conductor.
She's written violin concertos, piano concertos, and three operas, you know, just amazing. And if you just see, you know, you could see throughout time how her evolution, but from the youngest age, there is a spark of joy in her that with an appreciation for beautiful melodies that just flow out of her naturally, whether she's improvising or composing or playing.
And if she just did any one of the things that she does, if she just played the violin or just sang or just played the piano or just composed even a fraction of the music that she's written, she would already be so noteworthy. But the fact that she does all of these things, and you think about Mozart, who was great on violin and piano, conducting, improvising, composing for so many different ensembles from opera, from, to piano, to orchestra from the youngest age. So we do have geniuses like this. Now, are there places for people like Alma Deutcher? Where would her career take her? This will be very interesting, because so many composers today are in the film industry, because it's one area where people can actually make a living, because we don't have the courts like the royal courts with benefactors, the way it existed back in Mozart's time. I want all of you to check out Alma Deutcher's music and her improvisations and watch her from the youngest age to what she's doing now. And I think you will be astounded at this world -class musician in our midst. I just thought I'd call it to your attention. And I'm interested in all of you bringing to attention other great artists of our time now. It wasn't just people hundreds of years ago who were great geniuses, musical geniuses.
I hope you enjoy this. Again, I'm Robert Estrin. This is LivingPianos.com, your online piano resource.
Chad Kurtzman* VSM MEMBER *on November 15, 2023 @1:36 pm PST
I have been following her since her early years and totally agree with you. Interestingly, since she is frequently compared to Mozart as you would expect, she humbly prefers just to be compared to herself. Her genious is hard to comprehend.
Franc Uberti* VSM MEMBER *on November 15, 2023 @12:01 pm PST
Is it safe to assume that Alma (and anyone at her level of genius) has perfect pitch? Isn't this advantage something that you are usually born with (as opposed to relative pitch which is developed through training)?
Perfect pitch is rare and is something people are born with. It can be a useful tool, but is not necessary. In fact, people with perfect pitch may not even have good intonation! Perfect pitch is just pitch memory - they remember pitches. But that doesn't mean they understand the relationship between pitches (relative pitch) which is essential for deep musical understanding.