Twilight Piano Solo Pack featuring Bella's Lullaby 
Get amazed by the terrific piece by Carter Burwell for piano solo. It includes PDF sheet music files. Enjoy it now.
What our users say about this title?
"The description for this item just says solo pack but doesn't say what that means. I was looking for Bella's Lullaby in a harder version then all the others on here. This version is a little more advanced then the easy version. It also contains several orchestration songs from the Twilight film. They are: Who are they?; The lion fell in love with the lamb; Stuck here like mom; Phascination phase. I haven't really played any of the other ones, but a couple look interesting and I will probably try them out. But if you are looking for sheet music to some of the background orchestration in the Twilight film this is the pack you want."
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