Canon in D & Gigue (COMPLETE) 
Start dreaming fantastic colors and emotions with this remarkable transcription of the amazing Canon in D & Gigue by Johann Pachelbel for brass quintet. It comprises high quality PDF sheet music files with audio Mp3 and Mp3 accompaniment files as well as interactive sheet music for realtime transposition. What are you waiting for?
What our users say about this title?
"Two pieces are included in this music: the Gigue, and the Canon. The Gigue is fairly easy; more of a chords and harmonious-type piece. It is written in 12/8 time, which is very interesting. However, the Canon is pretty hard. The lead trumpet will get quite a workout! The F Horn and Tuba have an almost identical part, with the two trumpets playing little duets here and there..... once you have it mastered, it's a very nice piece. It will take a little practicing though."
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