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3 items found for "violin" within "Arthur Schwartz"

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Haunted Heart voice and other instruments sheet music
Haunted Heart (violin...) for voice and other instruments (in C)
by Frank Sinatra, Arthur Schwartz, Howard Dietz, chords and lead sheet indications included (bass flute, flute, guitar, harp, harpsichord, mandolin, oboe, organ, piano, piccolo, recorder, violin)
skill level: intermediate - genre: jazz, standards
printable, downloadable, more info...
$3.97 - $3.39 for Members (save 15%)

Alone Too Long voice and other instruments sheet music
Alone Too Long (violin...) for voice and other instruments (in C)
by Nat King Cole, Arthur Schwartz, Dorothy Fields, chords and lead sheet indications included (bass flute, flute, guitar, harp, harpsichord, mandolin, oboe, organ, piano, piccolo, recorder, violin)
skill level: intermediate - genre: jazz, standards
printable, downloadable, more info...
$3.97 - $3.39 for Members (save 15%)

By Myself voice and other instruments sheet music
By Myself (violin...) for voice and other instruments (in C)
by Howard Dietz, Arthur Schwartz, chords and lead sheet indications included (bass flute, flute, guitar, harp, harpsichord, mandolin, oboe, organ, piano, piccolo, recorder, violin)
skill level: intermediate - genre: jazz, standards
printable, downloadable, more info...
$3.97 - $3.39 for Members (save 15%)

Patrick's Day Sheet Music CollectionsPatrick's Day Sheet Music Collections

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